Leon Medica - Bass, Vocals
Jeff Pollard - Electric Guitar, Acoustic 6 and 12 String Guitars, Lead Vocals
Tony Haselden - Electric Guitar
Rod Roddy - Electric and Acoustic Grand, Oberheim Synthesizer, Crumar Organ, Background Vocals
David Peters - Drums
Bobby Campo - Percussion, Background Vocals
Songs (Written By):
Let Me Be Your Fantasy (J. Pollard)
Get It Right The First Time (R. Roddy, T. Haselden)
Mystery (R. Roddy)
Roll Away The Stone(J. Pollard)
It Could Be The Fever(J. Pollard)
I Know Trouble When I See It (R. Roddy, J. Pollard)
Waiting For Your Love (J. Pollard)
Crying Inside (R. Roddy, J. Pollard)
I Won't Be Staying(R. Roddy)
Produced by Jai Winding
Production Coordinator: Michele Winding
Recorded in 1980 at Cherokee Recording Studios, Los Angeles, California and Crystal Sound, Los Angeles, California
Engineer: Jeremey Smith
Additional Engineering: George Tutko
Assistant Engineer: Stuart Graham
Mastering: Capitol Records Studios, Hollywood, California
Engineer: Wally Traugott
Illustration: Ed Scarisbrick
Photography: Raul Vega
Art Direction: Roy Kohara and Henry E. Marquez
Management: The Carr Company, Budd Carr
Booking Agency: Athena Artists, Chet Hanson
Krewe of LeRoux:
Live Engineer: Charles "Chopper" Brady, Stage Manager and Live Engineer: John Ray Gautreaux, Lighting Designer: Pug Sanchez, Road Manager: Danny Kertacy, Monitor Mixer: Duncan Thistlethwaite, Driver: Gates Moore
Special thanks to: John T. Frankenheimer Esq.; Chet Hanson, George Caroll, and Athena Artists, Rupert Perry, Bruce Garfield, Bobby Columby and all our friends at Capitol Records; the staff and management at Cherokee Recording Studio; Budd Carr, Michael Flynn, Marlene, Karen, and Jackie at the Carr Company; Les Kaufman; Bill "Melodius" Last; Paul Tannen; Governors Edwards and Treen and the Great State of Louisiana; Hartley Peavey, Hollis Calvert, Chip Todd, Mike O'Neill, and everyone at Peavey Electronics.
Equipment thanks:
LeRoux uses Peavey Amplification
Leon Medica and Tony Haselden use Peavey Instruments
David Peters uses Slingerland Drums
Jeff Pollard and Tony Haselden use Dean Markley Strings
Thanks to: Al, Mike, Norick, Jimmy, and Valley Arts Guitars; Paul Rivera; Dr. Gerald Haydel and M.C. Perry; Bill Evans; Max Loubiere; the members of Kansas; Newton Elberson, Mark Mouton, and Good Hope Printing; Curley Jones and Stage Coach V.I.P.; Michele Winding and Norton.